
DANのガイドラインに出てくる、米国海軍の「Return to Diving」ポリシーの「Table」って意味がわからなかったので調べてみた。

おお、USはなんて進んでいるのだろう。US NAVY DIVING MANUAL Rev.4が公開されていた。すごい。某自衛隊ってこんな資料公開しているのかな?調べてみたけどないんよ、これが(やっぱり)。

US NAVY DIVING MANUALを見ると私が受けている治療はTable 5とTable 6のようだ。(カルテにもそう書いてあった)でも加圧は3分じゃなくもうちょっと時間をかけるよ。

Table 4やTable 7じゃなくてよかった。だって「giving up diving altogether may be appropriate」だもん。

Treatment Table 5

  1. Descent rate – 20 ft/min.
  2. Ascent rate – Not to exceed 1 ft/min. Do not compensate for slower ascent rates. Compensate for faster rates by halting the ascent.
  3. Time on oxygen begins on arrival at 60 feet.
  4. If oxygen breathing must be interrupted because of CNS Oxygen Toxicity, allow 15 minutes after the reaction has entirely subsided and resume schedule at point of interruption (see paragraph 21-
  5. Treatment Table may be extended two oxygen-breathing periods at the 30-foot stop. No air break required between oxygen-breathing periods or prior to ascent.
  6. Tender breathes 100 percent O2 during ascent from the 30-foot stop to the surface. If the tender had a previous hyperbaric exposure in the previous 12 hours, an additional 20 minutes of oxygen breathing is required prior to ascent.

Treatment Table 6

  1. Descent rate – 20 ft/min.
  2. Ascent rate – Not to exceed 1 ft/min. Do not compensate for slower ascent rates. Compensate for faster rates by halting the ascent.
  3. Time on oxygen begins on arrival at 60 feet.
  4. If oxygen breathing must be interrupted because of CNS Oxygen Toxicity, allow 15 minutes after the reaction has entirely subsided and resume schedule at point of interruption (see paragraph 21-
  5. Table 6 can be lengthened up to 2 additional 25-minute periods at 60 feet (20 minutes on oxygen and 5 minutes on air), or up to 2 additional 75-minute periods at 30 feet (15 minutes on air and 60 minutes on oxygen), or both.
  6. Tender breathes 100 percent O2 during the last 30 min. at 30 fsw and during ascent to the surface for an unmodified table or where there has been only a single extension at 30 or 60 feet. If there has been more than one extension, the O2 breathing at 30 feet is increased to 60 minutes. If the tender had a hyperbaric exposure within the past 12 hours an additional 60-minute O2 period is taken at 30 feet.

The Office of the Director of Ocean Engineering, Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV)

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